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Ghana International Solar Expo 2017

A warm welcome to Ghana! A democratic republic in the west coast of Africa. Whilst in Ghana, we will say Akwaaba! Woaba a, tena ase! In Ghana, the government has created a very conducive environment for business by putting the following in place; Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, which is a one stop shop for all investment enquiries and assistance; Tax exemptions on educational materials; Tax holidays; Setting up of Ghana free zones board. The Ghanaian economy has shown consistent economic growth over the last ten years. Due to over 25 years of relatively good economic management, competitive business environment, and sustained reductions in poverty levels, Ghana's economy has grown resulting in a strong macroeconomic condition, and a growing private sector. In 2009 Ghana signed a three-year Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility with the IMF to improve macroeconomic stability, private sector competitiveness, human resource development, good governance and civic responsibility. Sound macroeconomic management along with higher prices for oil, gold and, cocoa helped sustain high GDP growth from 2008-2013. Ⅱ. Exhibition Scope: ● Solar water heaters and associated services; countrywide ● PV equipment for small scale domestic applications in off-grid areas: lighting with roof panels, mobile phone chargers, lanterns ● PV equipment for large scale applications in public places and institutions: 0.5 – 20MW for electricity generation (solar power plants, off-grid and on grid), street lanterns ● Small-scale hydro power (off-grid and on-grid) ● Waste to energy: plastic recycling for pellets or fuel; landfill methane capture, bio gas for cooking or electricity generation ● Tree planting for commercial charcoal production near urban centres (in combination with recreation/ cocoa cultivation/ agro forestry/ watershed protection); efficient conversion of wood to charcoal ● Efficient cooking stoves using fuel wood and charcoal

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