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One Gigawatt of Humanity


We invite you to be a part of the biggest and most sustainable humanitarian power project ever done in this kind.


Our target groups are children and women who are living under degrading and fatal living conditions.


- With your help we would like to build solar powered water pump systems in area's with life-                   threatening  drought and contaminated water resources caused by natural catastrophes, war or           extreme poverty.


- With your help we would  like to install solar powered street lights in dangerous dark streets and           unlighted  areas with violence to women.


- With your help we want build solar powered irrigation water systems to grow food on desiccated land   and supply water for farm animals.

Who can help?


Every individual person with the legal age of 18 (21) years up to the country law.


Circle of friends






Pupil Class (with declaration of agreement by parent or legal guardian)


and many more.




How to help?


First of all we hope you spread the word and tell other people about this project. Please share by Facebook, Twitter and all the other social media or just by mouth. Every help is important and will potentially save lives.


Also very helpful is to find people who know areas and places around the world with a great need for help. We need photos and if possible videos of this places and the people, to get a own picture of the situation. Once approved and decided which kind of help is the best in each case, we will publish the individual project with the necessary equipment in our webpage.


As we believe that not so many single person can sponsor a complete project, we offer a part sponsorship in which different persons can buy just a piece of the equipment to build a solar water pump system for example.


Every person, company, group, etc. who purchase the equipment for this project and the person which introduce the project to us will have their name written directly on the project side and will be published in our webpage. If you wish it also can be done anonym.


Pictures of the final installed project will be published, with the name of the helping person which realized the project, to motivate more people with a good heart like you to enjoy the 1GW Humanity Project and share this awesome idea around the globe.


A solar panel will produce energy for 25 or more years to pump clean water out of the deep ground, provide a light in the darkness for safety, supply power for a school or kindergarten. You will help to realize the most sustainable humanitarian power project on the planet and you will write history for the generations are coming. The 1GWH project is not just a sign, it's 100% help for places on our planet, where help is really needed.

You will give help to places where the hope was the only thing left until death.

Commercial SPONSORS

ALT="one gigawatt of humanity"



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