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Solar Power Philippines

Philippine Sun Solar

The average number of hours of sunlight per year is 2,105 out of a total of 4,383 with an average of 5:45 per day in the Philippines. This is all business hours and with the rise of industry in the Philippines that is huge. A single 250 watt panel can produce .250 KW of power per hour so in an average of 5:45 hours a day of sunlight you can produce 1.4375 KW of electric a day on a single 250 watt panel. If you have 100 panels that is 143.75 KW per day of Electric produced for a business. Take that divided by .8 for A/C Power is 115 KW AC per day on average. That is a yearly savings of over 325,000 peso for a business, which is like paying 2 full time employees for a year. If every business did this to cut down on their energy consumption we could reduce our harmful emissions down by 22.5%. Most companies in the Philippines said it will cost them over 100 million peso on average over 10 years to clean up their emissions. Just by going solar they can save 3.25 million peso over 10 years and reduce the harmful emissions by 22.5%.

Solar farm project

People of the Philippines need to start realizing that you have the power. The only way a company can stay in business is for you the consumer to buy their product, if you don’t then they go out of business. By buying smart and spending money on the things that can help you and your environment we can make companies change. If a company makes 50% sales for 10 days they are going out of business and that gives you the power to control how they operate. I love the Philippines and the people, it is one of the most beautiful places on earth we need to keep it that way and not let big businesses keep polluting your way of life. You have the power and can make a difference. Solar is only one way we can help save our country form becoming a dump. It is a clean renewable energy source and can save our environment.

Solar roof project
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