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Brazil's International Renewable Energy Congress 2016

Ⅰ. Introduction: Brazil's International Renewable Energy Congress (BIREC) is the must attend event for domestic and international decision makers looking to develop, grow and succeed in the Brazilian renewable energy market. BIREC is the must attend event for domestic and international decision makers looking to develop, grow and succeed in the Brazilian solar energy markets. Ⅱ. Conference Topics: ● Understand how to make your projects attractive and bankable by gaining insights from key international investors, ensuring you boost ROI in a challenging macro-economic environment ● Discover strategies to tackle high capital costs and fluctuating exchange rates ● Optimize your grid connection strategy with interactive sessions to define a roadmap for transmission infrastructure, as well as in-depth case studies on innovation in distribution ● Master the best methods to secure long-term PPAs in a highly competitive market, through in-depth sessions run by power price management bodies and key successful players ● Navigate your way through Brazil’s local content rules with invaluable guidance from BNDES, government regulators and FINAME certified suppliers ● Man-oeuvre your way through Brazil’s complex tax, regulatory and permitting systems with expert advice from the country’s best lawyers and advisers ● Understand how the latest technology in renewable energy can maximise efficiency and reduce costs to your projects ● Learn exactly what investors look for in a project to guarantee ROI ● Review strategies used around the world when developing renewable energy projects and assess which of these should be adopted in Brazil Ⅲ. Why Attend: ◆ Bankable and Attractive Projects: Understand how to make your projects attractive and bankable by gaining insights from key international investors. ◆ Boost your ROI: Ensure you boost ROI in a challenging macro-economic environment. ◆ Tackle High Costs of Capital and Fluctuating Exchange Rates: Discover strategies to tackle high capital costs and fluctuating exchange rates. ◆ Seize Opportunities: Assess the solar Distributed Generation boom and its capacity to transition to utility scale ◆ Optimize Your Grid Connection Strategy: Interactive sessions to define a roadmap for transmission infrastructure, as well as in-depth case studies on innovation in distribution. ◆ well as in-depth case studies on innovation in distribution. ◆ Secure Long-Term PPAs: Master the best methods to secure long-term PPAs in a highly competitive market, through in-depth sessions run by power price management bodies and key successful players. ◆ Navigate Local Content Rules: Navigate your way through Brazil’s local content rules with invaluable guidance from BNDES, government regulators and FINAME certified suppliers. Ⅳ. Highlight: ★ With 74% attendees Director-level and above, you can be sure of meeting the key decision-makers. ★ 36 hours of networking opportunities including VIP dinners, cocktail parties and comfortable coffee lounges to help you build new relationships in a sociable atmosphere. ★ Schedule up to 40 meetings in advance using the online networking tool and take advantage of our bespoke one-to-one meeting rooms to host the elusive contact you’ve been pursuing. ★ Save time and money and meet the entire value chain all under 1 roof! ★ The 1 day BIREC Finance Summit provides extensive expertise on a range of project financing challenges. ★ 4 technical workshops deep dive into the latest innovations for wind, solar and practical lessons for superior O&M strategy. ★ Interactive sessions ensure that you stay involved in the debate and, our easy-to-use audience interaction tool, allows you to ask questions directly to the panellists throughout the congress.

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