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Our Ocean's are waste-fills.

Our Ocean's are waste-fills. Maybe some deep sea diver among us already know, the ocean floor looks like a trash can. Mainly plastic bottles, small shredded particles with cover the sea floor on some locations up to 1 meter and more. There is not much life you can find anymore and this poison stuff go directly in to the food chain. Fish and other marina animals eat that toxic plastics and they end up on our menu. Well, we find some pictures in internet with floating debris or a poor green turtle with a straw in the nose. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. It must be a fact that companies such as Coca Cola, Pepsi,.. and other producer of beverage, know about the danger and toxic effects of plastic bottles. So in my mind such companies are responsible for billions of death in the marine life, birds and who knows how many human life are effected in the past and how manu will be in the future. In the US alone there are about 50 Billion plastic bottles produced last year, thereof about 40 billion bottles end up on landfill's and in the oceans. We should stop this madness now. Stop buying plastic bottles and ask those who made and make billions of US dollars by poisoning our planet to clean up there mess. That does also apply to GMO food companies and the oil companies which blocked the green energy and cars for so long time. Suddenly this oil companies go green and producing solar panels and other green technologies. Don't you feel cheated ? Solar panels, wind power and all the other green products are good, but i think you should not support companies which careless and full of greed, poisoned us and the nature for years. Please share this with your friends and business partners. We produce solar panels in honest persuasion to make our planet a better place.

Thank you​ for reading. J.H. Reiling, Just Solar Co Limited

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